Thursday, February 23, 2012

Okra - Now our new medicinal delicacy!

Abelmoschus Esculentus also called Okra or Lady finger... is known to
Prevent cancer and reduce the risk of heart disease !

But it get's even better ... as it is also that in addition Okras contains very large variety of healthy nutrients like vitamin C, calcium, and potassium.

Our Okras are pickled in Island fire pepper sauce and taste heavenly on any dish... specially in wraps and sandwiches...on salad's!

Try this tasty health food ...and surprise your health conscious Family & friends with a unique delicacy!
4 oz. 6.50
6 oz. 8.90

More energy and a balanced blood pressure :
Okra provides good amount of magnesium as well. A half-cup of cooked okra has about 46 milligrams, or 11 % of the Daily Value. This mineral helps to avoid heart disease, fight chronic fatigue syndrome, lower blood pressure, ward off diabetes, and slow bone loss.

Okra contains a compound called glutathione that attacks cancer in two ways. It’s an antioxidant, and its protects healthy cells from cancerous damage. In addition, glutathione prevents cancer causing chemicals from damaging DNA, the chemical blueprint that tells cells how to function. It does this by moving chemicals away from cells, into the urine, and out of the body.

Also good to know ...
that okra also causes the body to expel old blood and build new blood and that okra is being researched in the production of synthetic blood productions.

Interesting for the man!
Interestingly, okra seeds contain trace amount of gossypol, a compound that effects sperm and can act as a male contraceptive – its been used by men in Indonesia and Pacific islands for centuries as a form of family planning. More research is needed into okra’s healing properties to discover its full contribution to our health.

More beauty!?
As we found out that the world's most beautiful women, Cleopatra of Egypt and Yang Guifei of China loved to eat okra according to the history record and as it It also contains starch, fat, ash, thiamine and riboflavin. No wonder, Cleopatra and Yang Guifei maintained their beauties.

Organic Okras , pickled in Island fire pepper sauce taste heavenly on any dish... specially in wraps and sandwiches...on salad's!

Try this tasty health food ...and surprise your health conscious friends with this unique health food !
4 oz. 6.50
6 oz. 8.90

more information where to order :
email :

US contact # Florida 786 463 5189

Thursday, February 9, 2012

This organic gourmet "Arugula- Basil -Parsley Chutney" will change your life!

Harmony Gardens did it again!

Our first from 3 amazing delicious medicinal delicacies .. is our famous and additively good tasting
Arugula Basil Parsley Chutney

is a delicious Super food / medicinal delicacy and so pleasureful & easy to add to your breakfast ,lunch and dinner !

What a lovely tasty health insurance ... you will never have enough of in your refrigerator!
This makes it happening for you and your family to be always in optimal shape!

Of course we know that changing your diet right away to vegetarian and mostly raw food is not easy and may never happen to everyone ... but we still want to encourage anyone out there at leased to add something really healthy to your meals!

We created now a truly delicious super green chutney which will change your eating habits absolutely easy and naturally!

You bet your kid's will love it!
As it taste so good you want to have it every day....on every dish!
My Girls have it on every sandwich they eat and I can not stop them!

We even mix a table spoon in our salad dressing for flavoring!

If you ever have it on your Pizza you will ...have to order a case it seams there is a hole in that glass bottom!
Get your prime quality of organic raw super green chutney today !
order via email:
A tasty delicacies is in two varieties available
Medium hot
and very hot... you choose!

We used only Himalayan pink rock salt and sctotch bonnet peppers to flavor it!
Enjoy it even on your salad in your vegetable platter on your sandwich and with your Pizza !

4 oz . glass 7.80 US

6 oz glass 10.00 US

We should be grateful that this extremely healthy food can be so delicious and so easy to get into even junk food lovers!

Everyone should have it every day as it is so great for your immune system, brain functions and it will vitalize your entire body for an optimal performances!

This fabulous food taste enhancer... goes amazingly with any food.. specially with all Italian dishes ,Salads and in wraps and your favorite sandwiches !

100% raw fresh harvested herbs
100% organic and without any preservatives!
100% naturally preserved in organic cold pressed olive oil !

This 3 super herbs have a multitude of outstanding health benefits and will make a different in your entire body as it helps to maintain a clean blood, clean and support brain functions !

Adding just 1-2 table spoon 2-3 times a day .....your Food will be your medicine!

vegetable and medicinal plants delicacies for your enjoyment at convenience anytime on everything !

We just added even little travel bottles which are perfect to take to work and out for dinner you know your food (no matter what you eat) has now gotten a powerful boost in flavor, digestive fire with a multitude of nutrients and life force energies your body and brain needs all day long!

Please contact us if you have any more questions

Go...super food green now!...
Call Jamaica 876 484 1165
or Florida area code
786 463 5189

Find more delicious medicinal delicacies... try our spicy sprouts!

Sprouts "Spicy " pickled in our Island fire so Powerful & delicious "with amazing health benefits!

Do you like sprouts?

If not we will show you how to love and appreciate them:-) !
We have made them so delicious it will blow your mind and bring some needed fire into your life!

I am sure you know how much people supper with over weight and have a bad digestion!
If we eat 3 times daily we should have of course also 3 bowel movements !

This chemicalized foods out there have create in many of us a blocked and weak digestive system which need to be activated /stimulated every time we eat!

The life force energy out of a young bean just given life life force energy in sprouts

Here are some facts you should know how to get a perfect shaped body !

Super Sprouts and their Health Benefits or call it Chemo-protective Properties.

Do you know that fresh grown sprouts are like Bio-genic Nutrition for your body and brain function to thrive !

Sprouted seeds and baby greens as the most health beneficial foods and highly recommended that they should make up 25% of our daily food intake!

These so called life-foods offer the strongest support for our permanent happening cell regeneration process.!

Our daily toxins from the Supermarket !
We should all know and feel by now ... that cleansing/detoxifications are not anymore a ones a year thing!
We facing in this environment every day of our life, various factors which transpired to create a vast variety of free radicals attacking our immunity !

Free radicals are highly unstable( positive ) oxygen molecules needing an electron ( negative )to stabilize their entropy (chaotic/unhealthy state).
By stealing electrons from healthy cells the causal effects of this are the breakdown of vital biological structures and the alteration of DNA and RNA (a process called per oxidation).

Once this has occurred, the affected cell will only reproduce the altered version.

Super-foods like Fresh sprouts / medicinal plants are a powerful source of antioxidants (minerals, vitamins and living enzymes) which assist us in protecting against this immune/health damage.

Understand "Acidity and alkalinity "

Only a alkaline body can feel healthy and strong!(i.e not acidic).Bio-genic foods have an amazing alkalizing effects in our system!

And on top of all that specially sprouts and the raw foods contain plenty oxygen and a regular consumption of raw super foods /bio-genic life-foods with their abundant oxygen is crucial to health in this 20 century of the most variety of artificial foods and drugs ever existed on earth ( in our diet) !

The double Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg found that the growth of cancer cells are initiated by the lack of oxygen !

This means that cancer cells, along with viruses , fungus and bacteria, could not live in an alkaline and oxygen rich environment!

Sprouts are an amazing potent source of essential fatty (which our western diet is generally lacking) which play a major role in the development of a healthy and strong immune system defenses. Additionally they are also one of the highest food sources of fiber for a healthy digestion.

Get your prime quality of organic raw & absolutely naturally preserved sprouts today !
order via email:
A tasty delicacies are carefully prepared and soaked in a very spicy rock salt and rice vinegar blend for you to enjoy them on your salad in your vegetable platter on your sandwich and with your Pizza !

4 oz . glass 6.80 US

6 oz glass 9.80 US


Good to know is that variety of nice combined Raw foods supply our body with all needed Proteins .
Specially when Sprouts are grown to the chlorophyll rich two leaf stage, their effectiveness helps very powerful when we suffer with protein-deficiency anemia.

Woman reported after daily consumption of sprouts has given relief from hot flushes and supported hormonal function.

Amazing !
The supply of vitamins (B complex and C) existing in beans/seeds can be increased by the sprouting biochemistry over a view days by 100% to 2000%.

A simply but very powerful biochemistry transforms the array of valuable minerals in sprouts so that they are then in a chelated form to be easily assimilated in our blood stream.

Amino Acids are very important for our brain and positive thinking!
Sprouts create their denatures protein into the amino acid building blocks so that we can digest them in half the time of cooked foods.

Please contact us if you have any more questions

Your spicy sprouts are available now...
Call jamaica 876 484 1165
or Florida area code
786 463 5189