Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Miracle Water also called Colloidial Silver is a natural ,powerful virus ,bacteria,fungus and parasite killer!

Create a great Immune system, optimal health~ With the rediscovered natural… Future biotic “–Colloidal Silver- “

Can you remember a time when you experienced a great Vital and healthy child hood time.? Our parents use to care for us and know that we needed to clean our system every 3 months from parasites. They gave us Worm medicine on a regular base or also called a wash out before the next school semester started !

Why did they do that ?
Do you really think only children need that cleansing?

We all need this urgent needed cleansing/elimination of viruses , parasites, fungus and unhealthy bacteria from our body on a daily base, because every single day we catch them and get in contact with those unhealthy invaders !

Of course an organic rich in natural fiber food will assist greatly to clean our digestive system so it can function properly.

A well balanced Vegetarian diet combined with conscious supplementation is the best base for a healthy and clean blood (supply the body with the right amount of nutrients).

To much parasites in our system causing an unbalanced condition/weak immunity! Which can cause many different of allergic reactions/symptoms which let you feel sick !
Remember any symptoms has a cause and you should research your self, which parasites can cause which symptoms before any white dressed (Drug producing/selling Company representative) place a stamp with a serious sickness name on your forehead !
The creator don’t make mistakes he created in you a masterpiece with a perfect self healing system.

In most cases when you feel sick …you are just not…you , and yoiur system just need a proper cleansing !
To much Parasite’s in our body create illness like allergies and deficiencies because those parasites rob our Body of nutrients. i.e.: Iodine problems ?( watch out for those dark rings under your eye’s?)

Sometimes simplicity surprises us How does Colloidal Silver Work?

Colloidal Silver taste like water and may is called for that reason also the Miracle Water, it acts as a back–up immune system: "Taking sufficient daily Colloidal Silver is like having a second immune system.
It acts parallel to and independent of the body's own first line of defense."
Note: The above quote is from Colloidal Silver and You…, a booklet published by the Silver Education Coalition in Salt Lake City, Utah and endorsed by the Utah Silver Institute. It has a lot of gems of information about the uses of silver colloid.


Colloidal Silver isn't a new discovery. In the early part of this century it was used extensively by the medical profession in the United States for bacterial infections.
It was reported to be expensive to produce and difficult to store, so when antibiotics were developed in the late 1930's they quickly replaced colloidal silver.

BUT PLEASE NOTE : The Importance of "Colloidal"The body's most important fluids, the blood and lymph, are colloidal in nature. Therefore, it's easier for the body to use and assimilate a colloidal substance. Colloidal simply means a suspension of ultra–fine particles of one substance, suspended by an electric charge in another substance. With colloidal silver, ultra–fine particles of silver are suspended in distilled water.

Medical uses of Silver: Since 1884, a dilute silver nitrate solution has been placed in the eyes of newborn infants virtually eliminating a disease that caused blindness in newborns. In 1884, Dr. F. Crede, a German obstetrician was the first to try this solution.

In 1968, silver was combined with sulfadiazine to produce a drug that is 50 times more powerful than sulfadiazine on its own. It has become the most widely used drug for treating burn wounds. Research shows silver promotes the production of new cells so increases the rate of healing in both wounds and bone. Regeneration of whole areas of skin has been accomplished with silver treatments.

I take as a dosage : 1-3 tables spoon daily up to 6-8 weeks recommended 2-3 times a year Kid’s half dosage !

Special deals on our guarantied always fresh prepared Colloidal silver
Colloidal silver 200 ml ( 25 ppm) $ 24.00 US 55ppm $ 26.50US
Colloidal silver 500 ml ( 25 ppm) $ 49.00 US 55ppm $ 54.50US

Remember too much of anything (for too long) is not good, so also with Colloidal silver as when over dosed over years the silver can store in your system.
To avoid this we always recommend to take Chlorellas or Power Greens in combination as a conscious team.

Please leave always 30 minutes between this both in synergy operating cleanser
In case of an acute infections I take ¼ glass of Colloidal Silver 3 -4 times a day till infection is gone.
I make sure to drink 30 minutes after a large glass Water. Then I take 30 -40 min.later 5 Chlorella’s Algae tablets , to then again safely remove any heavy metals or silver particles and death parasites.
Use common sense and take when needed.

Amazing natural therapy for all skin irritations and eczema Use colloidal silver 50 ppm externally by using a dropper to put it on infections. I also found it good for insect bite’s, skin irritations, bums eczema , sunburns just pour/ spray a little Colloidal silver over the red skin and let it dry.
Use only in brown glass spray bottle to disinfect wound even an infected eye can be treated this way.

Colloidal silver can be used for hundreds of health improvement applications. A few are suggested here.
internal , external and /or injectable applications possible.
Add to suspected drinking water when traveling or camping. Colloid sprayed bums heal rapidly without scarring.
Safely sterilize anything from
• toothbrushes to surgical instruments.
• Use topically on cuts, wounds, abrasions, rashes, sunburn. razor nicks1 bandages.
• Spray on garbage to prevent decay odors
• Mist kitchen sponges1 towels,
• cutting boards to eliminate E. Coli 0157:H7 and salmonella bacteria to prevent food poisoning, gastrointestinal inflammation, and genital tract infections.
Add when canning, preserving, bottling. Use like peroxide on zits and acne. Add to juices and milk. Will delay spoiling, fermenting, deteriorating, clabbering or curdling. Spray in shoes, between toes, between legs to stop most skin itch, athletes foot, fungi, jock itch. It can diminish dandruff, psoriasis, skin rashes, etc.
Add to bath water, gargle, douches, colon irrigation, nasal spray and dental water-pic solutions. Cuts downtime dramatically with colds, flu, pneumonia, staph, strep, respiratory infections and rhino viruses. Skin itch, eye and ear infections, some moles and warts vanish when colloid is sprayed on body after bathing. Use with Q-tip on fingernail, toenail, and ear fungi.
Neutralize tooth decay and bad breath. Colloid stops halitosis by eliminating bacteria deep in throat and on back of tongue. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, silver colloid never permits strain-resistant pathogens to evolve.
Put a few drops on band-aids and bandages to shorten healing times. Health professionals might consider IV and IM injections.
Tumor and polyp shrinking is reported when masses are injected directly (when colloid is added to sterile physiological saline or Ringer&127;s Solution which contains ~9000 PPM sodium chloride). Toothaches, mouth sores, bacterial irritations are diminished. Soak dentures. Spray refrigerator, freezer and food storage bin interiors. Stop mildew and wood rot.
Spray air conditioner filters after cleaning. Swab air ducts and vents to prevent breeding sites for germs. Use routinely in laundry final rinse water and always before packing away seasonal clothes. Damp clothes or towels and washcloths will not sour or mildew. Eliminate unwanted microorganisms in planter soils and hydroponics systems. Spray plant foliage to stop fungi, molds, rot, and most plant diseases.

Not only good for Humans !
Colloidal silver is great for health care of your pets

here the same Principe clean your pets from parasite on a regular base … and they will be healthy at all times.
I use Colloidal silver in my Pet water every day!My dogs (full breed Labradors ) never saw a Doctor Dog for the last 5 years ! We don’t need any more De-worm either.
I also have treated my dogs with the dangerous Parvo Virus successfully some years ago.

Here's a favorite story from page 38 of the booklet: "Jill forgot to provide for her goldfish while on vacation. Upon her return she found them floating belly–up in some very stinky water. She changed the water and put the limp fish in the fresh water, instead of the toilet, to give them one last chance. They didn't improve. She thought of Colloidal Silver, and added a few drops to the fish tank. Very soon, the fish were swimming merrily, and have been ever since."

More Information : 484 ll 876- 796 5080

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