Saturday, November 13, 2010

Virus protection for the next flu season/Vaccination danger rescue!

Nov 13, 2010
Are you suffering often with cold , flu , coughing or fever symptoms?
Or did you take or ( injected in your child) recently (unaware) a live threatening Vaccination shot?
.....after a clearly unconscious white dressed pharma tool threatened you ...and may have forced you to do it?

This never need to happen ...!

Our children trust us and believe that we actually know what we are doing...with them /to them !
They believe us and think that we are aware of what is in that injection!!!

You know that they are helpless and really trust that we want them to grow up to become an healthy Adult ( mother /Father them selfs one day!

Do they really have a fair chance right now?

What are we doing to them????

Some may survive and some will find out maybe 20 years later ?!!!

I pray for us to become stronger and aware...that
We are master pieces of Creations and
our creator has blessed us with an amazing immune system!
Vaccines are out of Hilter's lab....Man made concoctions and now a day's used as a de~population tool... as Bill Gate stated clearly in his de~population speech...check it out on youtube !

Very powerful and 100% natural ( side effect free) Solutions are out here for you all!
The perfect choice for sensitive and allergic people (often suffering from Viral Infections) chronic respiratory system and breathing discomfort.

Of course crutial for thiose of you who carelessly took one of those life threatening vaccinations recently!

Now take this opportunity for a serious pro-active self care plan !

Here some conscious steps towards optimal health.

Have a look at these amazing Healtcare ( life saving) Products to boost your Immune system for your cleansing program or to be ready/prepared for the next Winter season .

We recommend for optimal health results a 6 weeks detoxification/rejuvenation program to rebuild a new much stronger immunity against all virus and bacteria who try to get you down!
When we consciously prevent ( regular clean our system) at leased every 3-4 month we will never be sick again!

I have created a combination of natural treasures called :Immunity MACH 3
with powerful parasite /virus fighters like our :
Opti~Health capsules ( with clove cumin cayenne,coriander and much more amazing ingredients )
Chlorella alga tables(super green detoxifier/cleanser)
Colloidal silver , Lapacho Tea (natural loose bark)
Super Greens( moringa oleifera)
GSE(Grapefruit seed extract) triple strength Vitamin C /Bio Flavonoids
Noni Fruit Juice ( fresh extracted )
Goji Berries (Vitamin C,Amino Acids)
Mint oil for a head , brain. Nasal and throat therapy) from Japan not anymore recommendable!

And the (mercedes of the Vitamin booster shakes )amazing Vitamin C combo drink from Europe you can find out more about when you message me on facebook or email to

Have fun researching on most items your self and what ever you can't find or like to know more about .......please contact me or call @
876 484 1165 or 876 953 25 93

or US Florida area code : (1) 786 4635189

also check for more information @

I am here to support with love and light
Sigrid Ribbe H.H.P.