If we eat daily sometimes 3 times (or more) over the day shouldn't we have also 3 times a day a bowel movement same way?
Oh yes... and so if you are
raw food/health food like Fruits and vegetables .. you mostlikely risk that you actually toxify your system every day.
The radomly chosen food items(fast foods available on the road)are often just chemicalised carbs to be yheavy in our belly ... but your colon can not digest it properly!
Because these filling materials how I call them can not be recognised from our digestive system as natural foods andf soforth mostlikely stored/deposited behind the already developed mucuoide plac aroudn your colon walls
If you can not right aways start a new diet / healthy lifestyle which we truly recomment at leased add some really healthy spices to your meals ... !
Why should you enjoy taking daily capsules of our new Opti~Colon / Opti Health Casules with every meal you eat?
Simply adding the right herbs and spices to your diet supports an optimal performance of your digestive system... which automatically promotes Optimal Health !
natural colon cleanser
Stimulate naturally your digestion system (2-3 bowel movements are normal ...how much you got?)
You know already "what you eat is what you are" !
Opti Colon /Health is a fine blend of the worlds most health beneficial natural(gentle)colon cleansers available !
Ingredients :
100% vegetable glycerin capsules with an conscious blend of Organic Clove Powder, Organic Cumin Powder ,Organic Cayenne Pepper, Organic Coriander Powder, Organic Pow de Arco powder and Organic Papaya seed powder.
digested with yoru meals it stimulate naturally your digestion system to reach to your goal of 2-3 natural bowel movements !
Yes this is normal when you eat 3 times !!!...
How much you got? how much waste matter is stucked inside of you ?
Would you like to have a health flat stomache / optimal shape !??
Are you tired of diets that don’t work?
Learn how simple you can regain & maintain a perfect shape (flat belly) and a strong Immune system simultaneously!
Solution: this actually delicious tasting blend of the most health beneficial (gentle) Colon cleansing Herbs, Barks & Seeds will rejuvenate your digestive system.
* Stimulate naturally your digestion system and .........
* Support a healthy Eyesight
* Reverse arthritis & Rheumatism
* Rejuvenate your organs and remove toxins
* Fight parasite and fungus settled in your colon
Rarasites steel your nutrients & create digestive problems!
* Fight ulcers and crohn’s diseases
* Regulate digestiona nd keep your belly flat
Check out the amazing powerful blend in the 100% natural vegetable glycerin capsules:
Organic Clove Powder
The health benefits of clove is attributed to its antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, aphrodisiac and stimulating properties. Clove is used for treating a variety of health disorders including Acne , Stomach and back pain , toothaches, indigestion, cough, asthma, headache, stress and blood impurities.
and more because this fine blend of the most health beneficial Immune boosting
natural colon cleanser
Stimulate naturally your digestion system (2-3 bowel movements are normal ...how much you got?)
Regulate your weight (keep the belly flat)
Rejuvenate your organs and remove toxins
Fight parasite and funguses settled in your colon (steel your nutrients)
Fight ulcers and Crohns disease
Support a healthy Eye side
Reverse Arthritis and Rheumatism
Help Children to develop properly
Promotes metabolism with bio-available ingredients
Promotes natural Serum cholesterol
Acts as an antioxidant and boost the immune system of the body
Promotes healthy circulatory system
It is an anti-inflammatory
Supports the normal sugar levels of the body
fights viral infections /flu's sinus/coughing/
Organic Cumin Powder
The health benefits of cumin include digestion, piles, insomnia, respiratory disorders, asthma, bronchitis, common cold, lactation, anemia, skin disorders, boils, immunity, and cancer.
Organic Cayenne Pepper
The health benefits of cayenne pepper include weight loss, digestion, immunity, hypotension, heart diseases, dyspepsia, inflammation, headache, throat congestion, and blood circulation.
Organic Coriander Powder
Strength your digestive system ,eliminate parasites and fungus .Boost the productions of enzyme .
Organic Po De Arco
Is used as a micronutrient powder to treat indigenous diseases and re-boost our energy level on a daily base (capsules available) and a easy accessible source for rare trace elements.
Po de Arco is well know for it’s anti Cancer properties , amazing effective Anti fungus( yeast infection remedy and anti parasitic effects:
Papaya seeds (Parasites removal)
Papaya seeds have proven anti-parasitic and anti-amoebic activities, and their consumption offers a natural, harmless, readily available preventive strategy against intestinal parasites.
Opti~Colon/Health cost :
70 cabs 24.00
Capsules made from vegetable glycerin
Family pack
140 cabs 42.00
Regulate your weight(keep the belly Flat)
Rejuvenate your organs & remove toxins!
Fight parasite and fungus settled in your colon (steel your nutrients)
Fight ulcers and Chrone disease
Cleans your blood and support great energy levels
Support a health eye side
Reverse arthritis and rheumatism
Assist the body to stay healthy and in good shape
clears up unknown pains..( back and legs)
One for all.....this fine blend of the most health beneficial Immune boosting
natural colon cleanser can do more .....
It stimulate naturally your digestion system (2-3 bowel movements are normal ...how much you got?)
Regulate your weight (keep the belly flat)
Rejuvenate your organs and remove toxins
Fight parasite and funguses settled in your colon (steel your nutrients)
Fight ulcers and Crohns disease
Support a healthy Eye side
Reverse Arthritis and Rheumatism
Help Children to develop properly
Promotes metabolism with bio-available ingredients
Promotes natural Serum cholesterol
Acts as an antioxidant and boost the immune system of the body
Promotes healthy circulatory system
It is an anti-inflammatory
Supports the normal sugar levels of the body
fights viral infections /flu's sinus/coughing/
See and research your self…that when you Clean you colon simply by adding the right herbs to each meal how easy it is to regain optimal health!!
Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper
The health benefits of cayenne pepper include weight loss, digestion, immunity, heart diseases, dyspepsia, inflammation, headache, throat congestion, and blood circulation.
Cayenne pepper belongs to the Capsicum family and its botanical name is Capsicum annuum. It is the red chili pepper that is used to add flavor in food and has high medicinal values. Cayenne contains vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin K, carotenoids and the complete B complexes. It is also a source of organic calcium potassium, manganese and dietary fiber.
The medicinal or health benefits of the Cayenne pepper include:
• Rheumatic and arthritic pains: Topical application of cayenne pepper causes irritation in the applied area thus, helps distract the nerves from joint pains due to arthritis.
• Sore throats: Cayenne added water can be used to gargle with, to cure sore throats.
• Avoid congestion:
Capsaicin stimulates secretions, which helps to clear the mucus from nose and lungs by clearing the sinuses and causing sweating. Cayenne pepper added tea is good in conditions of cold and flu.
• Improves blood circulation: When any body part is sick, the blood flow to that area is usually affected. Cayenne helps to remove that entire blotch, stimulates the blood flow and makes sure that the vitamins are properly delivered to all areas and waste is removed.
• Heart disease:
There are evidences that prove that giving cayenne extract orally, to a patient, helps to stop heart attack. Cayenne helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Cayenne helps to dissolve fibrin which causes formation of blood clots. It also reduces triglyceride levels.
• Cure Headaches:
• Smelling cayenne helps cure headaches. Topical application of capsaicin also helps to relieve them.
• Prevent ulcer:
• Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin that has the ability to prevent ulcers.
• Relieves respiratory problems: Cayenne pepper is a source of beta-carotene which is helpful in reducing symptoms of asthma.
• Boosts immunity:
Vitamin A or beta-carotene, in cayenne pepper, gives protection against invading pathogens by helping the development of healthy mucus membranes in the nasal passage, lungs and urinary tracts, thereby giving immunity to infections.
• Helps reduce weight:
Cayenne added food helps lose weight with proper digestion. Therefore, it also reduces excess appetite due to mal-absorption.
• Good Anti-oxidant: Beta-carotene contained in cayenne pepper works as a good antioxidant that prevents or repairs the damages caused by free radicals. Thus, it prevents atherosclerosis and colon cancer.
• It is also very effective in relieving diabetic complications like nerve damage and heart disease. It gives temporary relief of pain from psoriasis, herpes zoster, neuralgia, and toothache.
Did you know that…… Cayenne pepper Improves the effectiveness of other herbs.
Botanical Name:
Capsicum annuum Chili, or Cayenne, pepper stands out as one of the most recognized of the red peppers. Red hot, and delicious. The Heat Level of Chili Pepper is measured on the Scoville scale in 'Heat Units'. Two common ground varieties are 30M & 90M Heat Units, (30,000 & 90,000 respectively). The 30M pepper is comparable to the canned 'Red Pepper' that you find in at the Supermarket. Just about anyone can tolerate 30m (also called 30k) Cayenne. On the other hand, 90m Chili is incredibly hot.
"In 35 years of practice, and working with the people and teaching, I have never on house calls lost one heart attack patient and the reason is, whenever I go in--if they are still breathing--I pour down them a cup of cayenne tea (a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water, and within minutes they are up and around)." Dr. Christopher
Cayenne pepper - prized for thousands of years for its healing power. Folklore from around the world recounts amazing results using cayenne pepper in simple healing and in baffling health problems. But cayenne pepper is not just a healer from ancient history. Recent clinical studies have been conducted on many of the old-time health applications for this miracle herb. Again and again, the therapeutic value of cayenne pepper has been medically validated."Dr. Patrick Quillin
• Good for stomach:
Cayenne pepper added diet helps avoid stomach aches, gas and cramps. Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine recommends cayenne for proper digestion as it stimulates the flow of stomach secretions and saliva.
In a recent letter to the editors of the New England Journal of Medicine, three Italian doctors describe how they were able to reduce patients' reported dyspepsia symptoms by more than half - by prescribing red pepper powder. In a study of 30 patients with functional dyspepsia, half of the participants received a placebo, while the other half took 2.5 grams of red pepper powder each day (divided into capsules taken before each of three meals). Both groups took their respective treatments for five weeks, and rated their symptoms each day on a scale of zero to three (higher scores indicated more severe symptoms). By the third week, the red pepper group showed a significant advantage over the control group. And by week five, the pepper group's symptoms had declined 60 percent from their baseline scores - while the control group's scores had only decreased about half as much. The symptom scores included ratings for pain, a feeling of fullness, nausea, and an overall score. The red pepper powder produced significant gains in all four areas.
Medicinal Use and Health Benefit of Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum)
"If you master only one herb in your life, master cayenne pepper.
It is more powerful than any other." Dr. Schulze
Precaution: Like all other foods or herbs, we have to be careful when using this herb also. Excess consumption may cause burning sensations in the throat, stomach, or rectum.
Note : Cayenne pepper is by far hotter than Scotch bonnet pepper so take it with caution. !
Health Benefits of Cumin
The health benefits of cumin include digestion, piles, insomnia, respiratory disorders, asthma, bronchitis, common cold, lactation, anemia, skin disorders, boils, immunity, and cancer.
Many of you might remember having hated those curries and soups which had roasted or fried cumin seeds in them, when you were kids, because they looked like small black insects. However, you liked the taste. So your Moms would sort them out before she served you.
Cumin, scientifically known as Cuminum/Cyminum, belongs to family Apiaceae and is extensively used in culinary in Indian Subcontinent and some other Asian, African and Latin American countries, as a condiment or spice. Those who are of the opinion that spices are bad for health should note that cumin can be beneficial for some of their most dreaded diseases, beyond their expectations. Let’s see how.
The health benefits of Cumin include the following:
• Digestion /Weight regulation : Cumin is extremely good for digestion and related problems. The very smell (aroma) of it, which comes from an aromatic organic compound called Cuminaldehyde, the main component of its essential oil, activates our salivary glands in our mouth (the mouth watering flavor), facilitating the primary digestion of the food. Next is Thymol, a compound present in cumin, which does same to the glands which secrete acids, bile and enzymes responsible for complete digestion of the food in the stomach and the intestines to keep the belly always flat.
Due to its Stimulating properties Cumin is also Carminative i.e. relieves from you from gas troubles and thereby improves digestion and appetite. Due to its essential oils, magnesium and sodium content, it promotes digestion and also gives fast relief in stomach-ache when taken with hot water (like aqua ptycotis and mint).
• Piles: The main reason behind piles is constipation added with infections in the wound in the anal tract, which again is caused by constipation. Cumin, because of its dietary fiber content and carminative, stimulating, anti fungal and anti microbial properties due to the presence of essential oils comprising mainly of Cuminaldehyde and certain pyrazines, acts as a natural laxative in powdered form, helps healing up of infections or wounds in the digestive & excretory system and speeds up digestion too. What else a patient of piles would want?
• Insomnia: This is a very peculiar property of cumin. It is a stimulant as well as a relaxant at the same time. This property cannot be attributed to a single component alone, just as causes of insomnia cannot be attributed to a single cause. But studies show that a proper intake of vitamins (particularly B-complex) and a good digestion help induce a sound sleep. Cumin helps both of these. Some of the components of the essential oil are hypnotic in nature and have tranquilizing effects.
• Respiratory Disorders, Asthma, Bronchitis etc. Presence of caffeine (the stimulating agent), the richly aromatic essential oils (the disinfectants) make cumin an ideal anti congestive combination for those suffering from respiratory disorders such as Asthma, Bronchitis etc.
• Common Cold: Common Cold is a viral infection which affects our body frequently when our immune system goes weak. Again, the essential oils present in cumin act as disinfectants and help fight viral infections which cause common cold. Cumin also does not let cough formation in the respiratory system as it is supposed to be hot and dries up the excess mucus. Cumin is rich in iron and has considerable amount of vitamin-C, which are essential for a good immunity and keeps infections away.
• Lactation: It is rich in iron and thus very good for lactating mothers as well as women who are undergoing menses or who are pregnant, since they are more in need of iron than others. Moreover, cumin is said to help ease and increase secretion of milk in lactating women due to presence of Thymol, which tends to increase secretions from glands, including milk which is a secretion from mammary glands. It is more beneficial if taken with honey. Cumin has remarkable amount of calcium (above 900 mg per 100 grams) which accounts to over 90% of our daily requirement of calcium. This calcium is an important constituent of milk and hence cumin is very good for lactating mothers.
• Anemia: As stated above, cumin is very rich in iron (above 66 mg. in each 100 grams) which is more than 5 times the daily requirement of iron for an adult. This iron is the main constituent of haemoglobin in the red blood corpuscles of blood. It is haemoglobin which transfers oxygen (as oxide of iron) to the body-cells and whose deficiency causes anemia. So, cumin can be a nutritious additive to daily diet for anemic people.
• Skin Disorders: Almost all of us know that vitamin-E is good for skin. It keeps the skin young and glowing. This vitamin is also present in abundance in cumin. The essential oils present in this have disinfectant and anti fungal properties. This prevents any microbial and fungal infection from affecting the skin.
• Boils: Boils are just outlets for removal of toxic substances and foreign matters such as microbes etc. from the body. So, they are rather symptoms which show that a lot of toxic substances have accumulated in the body. Here cumin can help you a great deal. Those who regularly use cumin in food have been seen keeping free from boils, rashes, pimples etc. Components such as Cuminaldehyde, Thymol, phosphorus etc. are good de-toxicants which help in the regular removal of toxins from body, through excretory system of course, and not through boils.
• Immunity: As discussed above, abundance of iron, presence of essential oils and vitamin-C & vitamin-A in cumin boosts up our immune system.
• Cancer: Cumin itself has detoxifying and chemo-preventive properties and accelerates secretion of detoxifying and anti-carcinogenic enzymes from the glands, as it does to other secretions. As well as, it has nice anti oxidants like vitamin-C and vitamin-A in it, in addition to those essential oils, which, besides having countless other benefits, have anti carcinogenic properties too. It is particularly good for cancer of colon.
• Other benefits: More gifts! Cumin is also beneficial in treating renal coli, weak memory or lack of concentration, insect bites and sting etc. So, check it out!
This article was contributed by Aparup Mukherjee.
Health Benefits of Clove and clove Oil
The health benefits of clove can be attributed to its antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, aphrodisiac and stimulating properties. The oil is used for treating a variety of health disorders including toothaches, indigestion, cough, asthma, headache, stress and blood impurities.
Clove is an evergreen tree, which produces a flower bud that has numerous medicinal properties. It is often referred as clove bud. Clove bud has a shaft and a head and hence it has the Latin name clavus meaning nail. Clove was extensively used in the ancient Indian and Chinese civilizations and it spread to other parts of the world, including Europe, during the seventh and eight centuries.
Clove is rich in minerals such as calcium, hydrochloric acid, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and vitamin A and vitamin C. The health benefits of clove include the following:
• dental Care: The most prominent use of clove oil is in dental care. The germicidal properties of the oil make it very effective for relieving dental pain, tooth ache, sore gums and mouth ulcers. Clove oil contains the compound eugenol, which has been used in dentistry since numerous years. Gargles with diluted clove oil help in easing the throat. The characteristic smell of clove oil helps removing bad breath. As a result, clove oil is added to numerous dental products and medications, including, mouth washes, and tooth pastes. Dentists also mix clove oil with zinc oxide and prepare a white filling material as a temporary alternative to root canal.
• Infections: Due to its antiseptic properties, clove oil is useful for wound, cuts, scabies, athlete’s foot, fungal infections, bruises, prickly heat, scabies, etc. It can also be used insect bites and stings. Clove oil is very strong in nature and hence should be used in diluted form. Further, it should not be used on sensitive skin.
• Skin Care: Clove oil is often recommended for skin care, especially to acne patients.
• stress: Clove oil is aphrodisiac in nature and hence serves as an excellent stress reliever. It has a stimulating effect on the mind and removes mental exhaustion and fatigue. When taken internally, in appropriate amounts, it refreshes the mind. Clove oil also induces sleep and is helpful to insomnia patients. It is useful for treating mental problems such as loss of memory, depression and anxiety.
• Headache: Clove oil when mixed with salt, and applied on the forehead, gives a cooling effect and helps in getting relief from headache.
• Respiratory Problems: Clove has a cooling and anti inflammatory effect, and thereby clears the nasal passage. This expectorant is useful in various respiratory disorders including coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis, and tuberculosis. Chewing a clove bud eases sore throats.
• Earache: A mixture of warm clove oil and sesame oil is a good remedy for earaches.
• Indigestion: Clove powder is very effective in stomach related problems such as hiccups, indigestion, motion sickness, and flatulence. Hence, clove one of the important spices added in Indian dishes.
• Nausea: Clove is helpful in case of nausea and vomiting and is often used for pregnancy related vomiting.
• Blood Circulation: Clove is increases your body metabolism by increasing blood circulation and reducing body temperature.
• Blood Purification: Clove also helps in purifying the blood.
• Diabetes: Along with blood purification, clove also helps in controlling the blood sugar levels and hence is useful to diabetics.
• Immune System: Both clove and clove oil are useful for boosting the immune system. Its antiviral properties and ability to purify blood increases your resistance to diseases.
• Premature Ejaculation: Research has indicated that clove can be useful for treating premature ejaculation. Further research needs to be carried out to confirm these results.
• Cholera: It is believed that clove is useful for treating cholera.
• Sty: Clove and clove oil is a very effective home remedy for treating sty. Sty is an inflammation on the eyelash and is a very irritating condition. Sty is not only painful, but also causes difficulty in the proper functioning of the eye.
Other benefits of clove oil include the following:
• Cosmetics: Clove oil is often added in cosmetic creams and lotions. It is a good massage oil providing relief from pain and stress.
• Clove Flavoring Agent: Along with its digestive properties, clove is added in food items due to its flavor. It is added in many Indian dishes, pickles, sauce, spice cakes, etc.
• Soaps: Due to the characteristic aroma, soothing effect and antiseptic properties, clove oil is added in making soaps.
• Perfumes: Clove oil is also used in making perfumes.
Many people believe that clove and its oil is useful in preventing and treating cancer.
It is also claimed by many that clove oil is useful in treating viral hepatitis.
One should be careful while using clove oil. Clove oil is strong in nature and hence should be diluted before application.
Clove oil blends well with many essential oils including basil essential oil, rosemary essential oil, rose oil, cinnamon essential oil, grapefruit essential oil, lemon essential oil, nutmeg essential oil, peppermint essential oil, orange essential oil, lavender essential oil, geranium essential oil, etc.
Lapacho Tea
Genus Tabebuia - Tecoma Curialis
For generations the Incas used the sap-wood of this tree, also known as Pau-d'arco, Taheebo, Queshua or Tree of Life, for its many valuable properties. We can refer to a number of publications, ie. The "GrapePress", "Spotlight", "O Cruserio", and to the work of Dr Ruitz, Dr Meyer, Dr James Duke (National Institute of Health, USA), Ken Jones (a research scientist) as well as Prof. Walter D'Acorsi (experimental research specialist) as well as various experiments and results obtained in different South American hospitals.
From all this work it has emerged that the properties of "Lapacho" cover a broad spectrum of actions against various diseases and conditions. It is a potent tonic and a blood and cell regenerator; it stimulates the natural defenses and revitalizes the body. It is also a sedative, an analgesic, a diuretic, and a very potent antibiotic and antiviral agent.
Dr Meyer was the first to study its chemical composition and to isolate its active constituents. Thus, he found xyloidin, a very potent antibiotic and antiviral agent. Several researchers and doctors have been able to define other features such as its content of assimable iron, which helps the ingestion of other medicinal substances, allowing the elimination of waste products and toxins, cleansing the blood, and profound modification of metabolism; it also alleviates some deficiencies and acts as a powerful analgesic.
Important !! Pain in your stomach after taking lapacho tree bark powder is a clear indication of parasitic activity in the form of reaction.
Please do not stop! Continue your cleansing ! Get ride of the parasites .
Lapacho tree bark powder--------------------
Lapacho derived from the Argentine Lapacho tree, shows powerful anti-parasitic activities.
That’s why Lapacho Tea is ascribed as a "anti tumor agent
Lapacho, has further important substances identify as anti-bacterial and virus killing qualities.
It also has also a strong anti fungal properties ( i.e. yeast infection, Sinus ,Asthma)
According to Cancer news journal (1982) many South American doctors recommend the Lapacho tea as therapeutic herbaltea .
Under the management of Dr.Theodor Meyers Lapacho tea became distributed in all of Argentienien.
ALSO in Clinics of southamerica and the USA and Europe .
Lapachotea is used for:
Anaemia (to increase the red blood counts)in the case of bronchitis, all kinds of cancer, Colitis, Diabetes , Eczema , Gastritis, Lupus, Parkinson, leukaemia , Pyorrhoea, Ringworms, spleen infection, Ulkus, ulcer, cuts of every kind (wounds) and as general stabilization . (Cancer news journal in 1982) Lapachotea lifts the Vitality, increases immunity against illness, in a animated manner and creates a feeling of comfort.
Dietemann Research Foundation Inc. Los Angeles discovered that through that this tea the intestine, liver , gall bladder and sweat gland get cleansed and stimulated and functional held get rid hypertensive and diuretic one effect will be observed.
More Information Call : Harmony Gardens
(876) 796 5080 or 484 1165 www.harmonygardensjamaica.com